About Wag!

WAG!, beloved by pet owners and their BFFs (Best Furry Friends) was created as a means to celebrate our canine-human friendships.  It’s a FREE and fun event for dogs and their people…and so much more. It’s also the biggest event in Ohio helping dogs in need, bringing dog-serving rescue groups and organizations together with thousands of donors and potential adopters.  We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, August 24 and to the biggest and best WAG! yet. In the meantime, we want to say thank you in advance to:

  • Metro Parks, which provides the perfect place to bring people, dogs and fun together
  • The businesses and dog-focused organizations that will bring products to try, services to explore, and valuable information to make the day worthwhile for everyone
  • The thousands of pet lovers who will come looking for the best products, services and ideas for their dogs
  • The thousands of well-behaved, charming individuals of the 4-legged persuasion, who will provide enthusiasm, affection, and the WAG! that gave us our name.

See you on August 24th!